
Crate Injection Molding & Mold Making

The Production of Plastic Products in China Among

by:Yougo      2020-06-20
Our production of plastic products in the world rankings has always been at the forefront, including a variety of plastic products which production has been the first in the world, China has become the world plastic products producing countries. The 2001-2010 China maintained the average annual increase in production of plastic products in more than 15%, the total output of plastic products in China reached 58.3 million tons in 2010. In this context, the plastic products industry in Henan Province has also ushered in new opportunities. First of all, facing the adjustment of industrial structure, speed up industrial upgrading opportunities. In the '12th Five-Year Plan of Henan Province, the Government has proposed to build a billion dollar industry, including home appliances, kitchen, packaging and printing, leather, plastic products, including planning, which indicates that the plastic products industry has been included in the focus on the development of columns. Second, the opportunities of the cluster industries to relocate. Mobile phones, electronic information, food, appliances, furniture, clothing, footwear industry which undertake the transfer of six key belonging to the consumer goods industry. As the industry is closely related to the consumer goods industry, the plastic products industry is bound with the six consumer undertake industrial transfer climax, ushered in a rare development opportunity. Third, the building boom of industry gathering area in Henan Province has been carried out. At present, Henan Province is in a critical period of speed up 'the two spans, the rise of Central China, not only has many favorable conditions and positive factors, there are also low industrial level, the extensive mode of development, resource and environmental constraints exacerbate outstanding contradictions and problems. Therefore, under the guidance of the scientific concept of development, the provincial government began the planning and construction of industrial agglomeration area in 2008. Gathering area to promote the coordinated development of the 'three' build 'three systems' to achieve an effective carrier and an important foundation of the scientific development, ways to realize the implementation of the scientific concept of development, is the transformation of the mode of development of strategic breakthrough. Accelerate the planning and construction of the gathering area is innovative institutional mechanisms to foster the objective needs of regional competitive advantage, key initiatives to implement the state to promote the rise of the central region, and other related policies and measures and to achieve leapfrog to promote the rise.
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