
Crate Injection Molding & Mold Making

Diversified Uses of Paper Products

by:Yougo      2020-09-22
The paper industry in India is one of the most thriving industries in the country. The country has more than 515 industrial units which manufacture paper products. The demand for paper and its products have skyrocketed since the past several decades. Current Scenario of the Industry Though the industry is flourishing due to the need for paper products, the industry is known to face several challenges. Varieties of products are manufactured from paper but the country still needs to import raw materials from neighbouring countries to manufacture various products. The use of paper products like bags, cardboards, tissue paper, plates, glasses, filter paper and so forth has grown tremendously. Due to the sharp decrease in the use of plastic products like bags, plates and glasses, consumers have shifted to products made of paper. This has led to an increase in the demand for these products and a considerable growth of the paper industry in the country. However several reasons have contributed to the stagnation of the industry which includes shortage of raw materials, high cost of materials which are imported, lack of proper infrastructure and concentration of the industry in one place. Unfortunately there are many industries which are lying closed due to the unavailability of raw materials. The government has taken various measures to improve the situations of the industry by reducing import duties, cost of production and better manufacturing technologies. The Various Paper Products Paper products are used in different forms. We use paper in many forms in our daily lives. Some of the most important uses are as follows: There are multiple uses of paper products which include uses in various fields like communication, construction, personal use and so forth. A number of paper products manufacturers who produce some of the best products can be found in the country. You can easily find a variety of authentic manufacturers listed in the online portals. Apart from mill made paper, the hand made paper industry has flourished in the country. This industry requires lesser amount of capital and thus it can be established in rural areas. The industry also provides employment to majority of the rural people in the country. The handmade paper products are much stronger than the mill made paper. It is much more durable and does not tear easily. A variety of gift items are made of handmade products. Paper products can also be made from recyclable waste items due to shortage of trees or raw materials. Agricultural waste materials like straw, banana, cotton rags and jute can be used to make these products. The process of using recyclable materials will help to save trees and reduce the effect of deforestation. In spite of various bottlenecks and deficiency in raw materials, this industry is one of the leading exporters in the world which supplies products worth Rs 400 crores to other countries.
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